Leak detection is imperative to protect sensitive electrical devices and prevent damage to buildings. Our AquaALERT® Water Detection Systems come in two types, Distance Location and Zone Leak Detection. These are designed for water leak detection in any place water intrusion must be identified immediately.
Our Distance System, called the DL series, is an intelligent system can can tell you exactly how far down your cable the leak is located. Prefect for long stretches of piping or HVAC ducts. This allows for rapid location of the leak where it may not be immediately apparent. Please see below for more information on our DL system.
Our Zone Leak Systems, the LW and WD series, breaks up your space into zones for easy leak detection. This approach is perfect for small rooms, like pump houses and servers rooms, or large rooms where water leak detection is only needed in few areas. Please see below for more information on our LW and WD systems.