Never sacrifice service for price. When you need a custom product, you need a company with the expertise to design it. Not only do we have the technical expertise you need, we provide the personal attention you want. The staff at LED provides you with same-day price quotes and fast order turn-around times.
Popular Product Lines

Alarm Annunciators are available in many standard sizes, depending on the function and total LED count. They can also be customized to your specific needs. Panels are manufactured with white lines and letters on a dark background, or for color-coded requirements, a white background with color coding as needed. Contact an LED sales representative with details for an immediate price quote.
Visual Mass Notification
Our Visual MNS series message centers are designed to insure that your urgent messages are received in areas of high volume and high activity – where ordinary audible messages might not be heard. We offer many solutions to get your message out, whether in an office, a university, a factory, a stadium, or outside in a public gathering area.
Mass Notification
Fan Status Panels
The Fan Status and Control Annunciator, FS-Series, is designed for use in high-rise buildings and other facilities that must have a means to manually control the fans or dampers designated for smoke removal during a fire emergency. The unit is designed to work in conjunction with fire alarm and control systems to provide visual status and manual control capability for each smoke removal fan.
Fan Status PanelsOther Popular Products
While great service is important, it is easily forgotten if you receive a poor quality product. LED insures product quality by using high quality components in the manufacturing process. Additionally, every product is tested and meets all design criteria before shipping. LED products are UL Listed so you can be sure your purchase is safe and dependable.
Safety should never be sacrificed. So, when you’re looking for a product to meet your safety requirements, LED has the solution. Whether you need a standard Alarm Annunciator or customized Mass Notification System, LED is ready to help with all your fire alarm & security system accessory needs.