
Having the proper fire system accessories can be critical to the safety of personnel in the building as well as those called into an emergency. They provide important information to the first responders. This allows them to stay safe while they work to resolve the emergency.
Our fire system accessories help with safety when seconds count. Warning systems and reporting systems allow firemen to look at the current situation and quickly assess the options or look at the historical events and suggest a plan going forward.

LCD 240
The LCD-240 uses a backlit display, that interfaces with the FACP printer port. This product has variable configurations to operate on RS-232 or RS-485 systems and has the ability to scroll through previous messages.

TA Series- Digital Countdown Timer
The TA-123 is for use with gaseous fire suppression systems. It shows the amount of time remaining until a fire suppression system discharges. The push button facilitates a discharge delay or abort when needed. The timer is adjustable to match the FACP delay setting and programmable to accommodate various insurance requirements. For easy installation the TA-123, designed to mount on a 3 gang switch box and may be embedded in a Graphic Alarm Annunciator.

HVAC & Elevator Warning Plates
The Emergency Disconnect Switch is a means to manually disable an HVAC system to prevent the spread of smoke. It is an “easy to operate” 2-position maintained aircraft style toggle switch on a single gang switch plate.
The “Do Not Use Elevator” plate provides an effective warning to firefighters NOT to use the elevators. This is needed when operation of the elevator is unsafe, bypass key or not. A bright red lamp installed into a metal plate, when activated, provides both visual and written warning.

Bi-Directional Amplifier Status Panel
Bi-Directional Amplifiers (BDAs) are often a requirement in high-rise buildings and large facilities. They provide needed boosting for the two-way radios the first responders depend upon. This insures their ability to communicate with each other through-out the entire protected area.
NFPA rules require BDA systems to show their operational status on a remote alarm annunciator. Light Engineered Displays developed a status panel to fulfill these needs. We offer both standard and custom options to fit your local requirements.