TA-123PP — Purge Panel Controller


When gaseous extinguishing agents are used, they have a required “soak-time” needed to suppress the fire. Purging the protected area too soon can render the discharge ineffective. A timed-delay purge feature prevents early exhaust fan activation.

  • Adaptable to most 12-24VDC control units.
  • Low standby current consumption.
  • Rugged solid-state construction.
  • Large .8 inch LED back-lit digital readout.
  • Precision quartz crystal referenced 1 second incremental countdown.
  • Field programmable for Seconds, or Minutes and Seconds countdown.
  • Uses a Keyed Switch for Activation
SKU: TA-123PP Category:


  • 24vdc input filtered and regulated
  • 155ma standby
  • 175ma activated
  • 335ma when purge engaged.

Switches S1 – S4 are used to set the initial count down time of the TA-123PP. Each is set to the digit of the initial count in the format of MM:SS. You set minutes to count on S1 and S2 from 0-99 minutes. S3 and S4 sets the seconds from 0-59 seconds.

∗Please note that if  S1 and S2 are set to 00 then S3 and S4 are able to be set from 0-99.

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